Sam is so gosh darn hilarious. When I was packing the other day he comes into my room holding some of my old hair extensions and asks just like a little boy, "Can you put these in my hair?" As weird as it sounds, it was the cutest thing. So I put them in. He has this weird obsession with mullets.
He tried kind of growing the back longer since it's the look right now but it just started to get a little out of control. Gosh do I love him. He will always make me laugh :]
We went with a few friends goofy golfing a few weeks ago and had a lot of fun. We love other couples to hangout with. We just love our friends so much and can't wait till we all are old and gray and still are all BFF's!
lets double soon!!
It's a tough job, but I guess someone's gotta love that mullet loving man :) Just kidding we love Sam and are so happy for you guys! We had an absolute blast with you both on our trip! Thanks for putting up with is let's do it again fo sho!!
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