Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Time is Here...

I cannot believe how quick this year FLEW by! I guess if you look back on it, every year kind of goes by quick. Here's a little update on what's going on in my life right about now. I'm still going to school and taking in clients. The other day, one of my clients tipped me 10 bucks! Since I usually only get tipped like 3 or 5, I thought that was pretty awesome. And she told me she's going to refer so many people to me! That got my esteem boosted pretty high. :]

What else is new? Ummm, I'm dating someone. His name is Sam Daley and he's absolutely incredible. He treats me like a real Queen and every girl deserves that. Tonight I'm going to meet all of his family at his Daley Christmas Party. A little nerve wrecking but I can tell he really adores me and I don't think I have anything to be afraid of. Yesterday he was over all Sunday night chit-chatting away with all my family. It's really nice to meet someone who's so personable and easy to like! We'll see how things go in the next month or so ;] I'm really happy though and I don't think I've been this happy in a long, long time.
For Christmas Rachel and Eric, Hollie, and Keith and Hayley are all coming in town! Hayley and little Mallory are already here and it's been so fun. She's getting so big! Rachel and Eric and the girls are getting in tomorrow night from Utah and Hollie gets in Christmas Eve in the morning sometime. It's going to be such a blast having almost everyone home for Christmas. James and Michelle, we still love you and we promise we won't have too much fun without you :]. We're going to be making lots of goodies and Hollie promised to make us an awesome dinner on Christmas Eve. Let me tell you, she's an excellent cook and I'm looking forward to stuffing my face.
It's snowboarding season! Here in the next couple days, we're gonna go up to Flagstaff and board for the day for Heather's birthday. We love taking our little day trips up to the slopes and shredding some serious ice. It's so sweet. Seriously though. Eventually when all of us friends aren't dirt poor and super cheap, we'll head up to Park City, or Brighton, probably even Big Bear or whatever the heck else. We wanna see what else is out there compared to Arizona's ski parks which I guess are horrible.
That's about it that's going on right now! I'll give you another update next year!

Merry Christmas Everyone!


theharmans said...

You guys had better not have too much fun! Were making candy cane cookies tonight for FHE.
Miss you guys, tell the fam we love and miss them too!

theharmans said...

I got Twilight for Christmas!

Brian and Brianna said...

Christmas was so fun! It came and went so quickly! I love what a wonderful family I married into I'm so lucky :) Thanks for the sweet shoes by the way and the lip venom I love them both!

o said...

i love your life. the end.

oh and i guess sam is kinda cool...just kinda though. ha

An Affair to Remember said...

Michelle, have you read it all yet?! It's so great! We love and miss you! Come visit again!

Brianna, Love you!

Kimz, You love Sam. And I love your Life more. The End.